Thursday, October 15, 2009

October at the Beach...

Another Saturday day trip. This time we got off by 12:30, which left us a little more time. We left right after Clay's scout training and the girls' primary activity. I knew it might be my last sunny Saturday at the beach for a while. I couldn't let it pass by.

First time face plant- a little stressed, not too sure...

Hmm, I guess it's ok.


scott and jessica doman said...

no way!!!! look at that freakin cute baby! i just want to eat him up! How fun. Are u guys gonna be in oregon for christmas??? We r. We miss ya Ur kids r too cute.

John and Bethany said...

Yeah for posts! I can't wait to get these little guys together soon. They are so fun. Man those beach pics make me miss the NW.

Lauralee Flores said...

I can't believe how big Sam has gotten! He is SO adorable! Natalie and Lauralee are as beautiful as ever. Loved the pictures!